[LAXD-PPV-10933399][BhHDtUg6vcyEBdDM4qeWqqS]06-Masturbation is physically demanding and is also ******* to *****2/3 - vLAXD.com
11:44 | 2024-04-15 00:00:00

06-Masturbation is physically demanding and is also ******* to *****2/3

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LAXD-PPV-10933399 (BhHDtUg6vcyEBdDM4qeWqqS)

06-Masturbation is physically demanding and is also ******* to *****2/3

During masturbation, dopamine and oxytocin,
which facilitate pleasure and euphoria, are released. After reaching orgasm, a feeling of exhaustion,
similar to that after exercise, is produced, and the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, increasing sleepiness.In fact, many women may actually feel sleepy after masturbation.

Relaxing with sex by yourself before bedtime can take care of stress, making it easier to fall asleep.You can also try masturbation when you have trouble ********.

However, be careful if you are overstressed.
If you are suffering from a serotonin deficiency,
which is necessary for *****,
you are more likely to secrete noradrenaline,
which increases anxiety and tension, making it harder to get a good night's *****.
If this is the case, it is possible that your daily rhythm is disrupted. Please try to adjust your lifestyle to a regular one and make sure that you are exposed to the morning sun, which is necessary for the production of melatonin, the raw material for serotonin.

Gallery Pics

  • LAXD's ID: 10933399
  • Release Date: 2024-04-15
  • Maker: LAXDUSER3l4448RDE
  • Duration: 11:44
  • Tag: UNKNOWN
  • Category: UNKNOWN
  • Favorite: 2