(1) Product Name 商品名
Thoroughly develop until you become addicted to SEX Matsus・hita
(2) Content コンテンツ
The long-awaited 4th AV work is a super trainnig work that thoroughly trains her pussy!
Restrain her body with restraints, play with her sensitive body,
wear a collar and spanking her nice ass thoroughly on all fours!
Intense 3P sex that you want to apply plenty of oil when you ignite her heart!
I feel like I can't stop my convulsions!
期待已久的第4 AV作品是徹底訓練她的陰部的超級調教作品!
(3) File specifications ファイル仕様
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
File Size: 1.95G (FHD画質) ➤ FC2電子市場アップロードファイルのサイズ制限は2Gです
Format: mp4(h264)
*This work is intended to be sold as an original work.
*In addition, it is also open to the American public.
*This work is an original work, and it is prohibited to provide or sell it to a third party under any circumstances.
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